Dear users,
Our team hopes that you will enjoy watching movies and listening to the music with our application.
Please pay your attention to the Important information about playing files from DVDs in Player DVD description:
Due to limitations related to playback files from license DVDs for Windows Store Apps, please do the following simple test to know in advance whether it will be possible to play the files from your disc through the app."
1. Insert DVD in the disc drive, and open the folder with the files of this DVD
2. Choose .VOB file from the disc (about 1 GB file size)
3. If you get an error (as shown in the screenshot below) while copying files, unfortunately you can not play this DVD with the application.
4. If you can do this test without getting the error, problems with playing your DVD with Player DVD will not be.
If you do not receive an error, but your DVD is not played, please contact our support team with detailed info about problems that you have.
It is very important that you tell us what exactly is happening when you try to play the file using the application (you can start file playback, but it stops after a few seconds, or you can not even start file playback or something else).
Also we ask you to send us a sample file which you have any problems with playback. We will check and look for a solution. Thank you for cooperation!
Yours sincerely,
Support Team of Denita Global
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