Good day, 

in this article we would like to inform users of applications ScreenShot Tool/ ScreenShot Tool Pro about fixed problem with freezing on splash screen! Our team has received many letters regarding to such a problem( see pic. 1)


Our developers have already fixed the problem and we would like to explain you how you can easily solve it, too! 

The reason for such an issue was because of Windows 10 Anniversary update. You might find this information important:

"In the Windows 10 Anniversary Update Microsoft has included an option for having a Dark App Mode in the year old operating system.

Another term that has been used for this new personalization option is Dark Theme and when it is enabled all of your Windows 10 system related pages will be displayed with a dark interface instead of the typical bright white one."

HOW TO SOLVE the bug in the application following these steps:

The app will work perfectly with White Theme on the device! You just need to change the theme to light one and enjoy your time using our app! :)

In situation where it can be hard to understand How to Change the Theme, we've attached a step by step instruction. Have a look and follow:

Step One: Open Windows Settings app and select Personalization. (Click or tap the Personalization option in the Windows Settings app.)


Step Two: Select Colors Option and Change App Mode Setting.


Step Three: click on "Choose your app mode" and turn on the Light theme.

Here you can also see what's the difference between the Light and the Dark themes.


Support team hopes to receive your letter with results after following steps. We'd be glad to make us sure that the issue by your side was successfully solved and you're enjoying the usage! :)

You can always contact us by e-mail:

Lots of thanks!

Yours sincerely,

Support Team of Denita Global

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