Hello Client for tvTube users!
Here is a short tutorial how to use our app and its features.
Starting app you see window as on the picture below. It supposes you to enter your search query, so you need to press shown button for searching videos in YouTube.
In the next step you choose video you like and want to watch.
While video is playing you can see panel on the left side. All buttons are explained on the picture below.
1 Back - it is button for coming back to search results, or if you have watched another videos before, comes back to previous video.
2 Play/Pause - it is a standard button for playback.
3 Full screen - Use this button to go to full screen mode.
Buttons 2-8, 11 you can also use in fullscreen mode.
4 Share - Use this button to share the app or screenshot of appfrom the app.
5 Download video - Use this button to download the video to your device.
6 Download audio - Use this button to download the audio track from the video to your device.
You can find saved videos and audios in local folders Video and Music on your device. App will create the folder called Client for tvTube there.
7 HD - This button allows to change video quality.
8 Repeat - Using this button you can play the video in repeat mode.
9 Cache - This button allows to cache videos to play them in offline. Clicking this button you also find already cached videos.
10 Settings - here you can find language settings, Windows Hello, Cortana and Equalizer.
Using Language settings you can choose Interface language (App supports 12 languages).
You can turn on Windows Hello feature to protect access to the application.
You can also choose interval of appearing PIN requires.
Use Equalizer to adjust the sound frequency to your taste.
11 Volume - You can change sound volume up to 200%
12 Inking - Ink tool allows you to take the screenshots and draw on them. After adding notes you can share the created picture.
We hope this tutorial was useful for you. But if you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us by e-mail: support@denitaglobal.com
Our team wishes you to get only positive emotions with Client for tvTube!
Lots of thanks!
Yours sincerely,
Support Team of Denita Global
Visit our website http://www.apps.denitaglobal.com/
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